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Course Leader: Miss West
Contact: rwest@colchesteracademy.org.uk
Examination Board: Edexcel
Specification: Click here to view
Assessment: 100% Examination

What will you study?

You have to study the collection of data, processing, representing and analysing
data, and applied probability. You will investigate the application of these in real life
contexts and look for interconnecting patterns between them. You will strengthen
your numeracy, calculating skills and mathematical thinking as you understand better
how mathematics is a present reality in all daily life.

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to develop
statistical fluency and understanding through:

  • the use of statistical techniques in a variety of authentic investigations, using
    real-world data in contexts such as, but not limited to, populations, climate, sales
  • identifying trends through carrying out appropriate calculations and data
    visualisation techniques
  • the application of statistical techniques across the curriculum, in subjects such
    as the sciences, social sciences, computing, geography, business and economics,
    and outside the classroom in the world in general
  • critically evaluating data, calculations and evaluations that would be commonly
    encountered in their studies and in everyday life
  • understanding how technology has enabled the collection, visualisation and
    analysis of large quantities of data to inform decision-making processes in
    public, commercial and academic sectors, including how technology can be used
    to generate diagrams and visualisations to represent data
  • understand ways that data can be organised, processed and presented, including
    statistical measures to compare data, understanding the advantages of using
    technology to automate processing
  • applying appropriate mathematical and statistical formulae, and building on
    prior knowledge.

What other skills might you develop?

Some of the most important skills you will develop will be in mathematical thinking
and problem solving. These are skills that will be essential to later life. You will also
develop skills in calculations and number work, looking for patterns in results, using
a calculator/ICT and, to an ever-increasing extent, the use of online tools available
only on the Internet.


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