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Physical Education


Here at Colchester Academy we promote the philosophy from Thomas Edison “Health is more than just learning”. We have used this to guide our curriculum to enable students to be life long participants of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with the core focus on how physical activity fits in with this. We offer students a wide variety of sporting experiences to help engage the full spectrum of learners and their interests, to ensure that no child is left behind.  We do this by driving not only the skills that students need to be successful performers, but with the broad knowledge of how to be healthy so they understand the full impact sport has on their life. The set up of our PE curriculum will enable students to become resilient learners through learning and developing from their failures. Our high quality teaching and progression through year groups inspires them to drive towards excellence, in both practical and other roles in PE and enable them to pursue this in extra curricular and out of school situations.  


Key Stage 3

Students in Key Stage 3 will work on a rotation system whereby they will spend one half term per topic. The timing on this will be different for each group to allow for spacing, but everyone will work on the same rotation so will complete the same elements during the year. We have set up our Key Stage 3 so students gain a breadth and depth of the PE curriculum, which will have elements of strength for all individuals.  


Year 7 PE

Topics Covered:


  • Introduction into PE
  • Invasion games
  • Dance


  • Fitness
  • Gymnastics
  • Net/wall games


  • Athletics
  • Striking and fielding
  • OAA


Year 8 PE

Topics Covered:


  • PE Leadership
  • Invasion games
  • Dance


  • Fitness
  • Gymnastics
  • Net/wall games


  • Athletics
  • Striking and fielding
  • OAA


Year 9 PE

Topics Covered:


  • PE Leadership
  • Invasion games
  • Dance


  • Fitness
  • Gymnastics
  • Net/wall games


  • Athletics
  • Striking and fielding
  • OAA


curric map core pe year 7 8 9 2023 24.pdf


Key Stage 4

During Key Stage 4 core PE students will be given three different pathways that they would like to choose between. The three choices will be competitive, co-operative and alternative. By allowing this choice, the emphasis is on students becoming lifelong learners and enhancing their resilience through like minded individuals, which will enhance the enjoyment and participation of all students. Students will then take part in a Sport Education Model throughout their PE curriculum, alternating spaces each half term and will be working to gain the most points amongst the year group. Students will look to develop different roles that will enhance their knowledge and skills as well as modelling essential communication and leadership. 

Competitive: Students who choose this pathway will be the type of students who enjoy the competitive element of physical education in a variety of sports. They will decide as a group which elements of the curriculum they want to focus on and for how long. Students in this pathway will show excellence in sports performance and learn how to become resilient learners

Co-operative: Students who choose this pathway will be the type of students who do not enjoy the competitive element and prefer to focus on PE for fun, taking a more relaxed route to ensure that they are engaged with practical elements of physical education.

Alternative: Students who choose this pathway will be the type of student who is linking to pursue lifelong participation in sport, however has not found enjoyment in the traditional sporting contexts. These students will explore a range of activities that they have not experienced in key stage 3 such as ultimate frisbee and yoga. This is in the pursuit of the lifelong learning and ways to keep fit after you finish school. 


curric map core pe year 10 11 2023 24.pdf


Useful Links


URL (link)

PE National Curriculum
