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Our department aims to equip students with the necessary skills and understanding required to learn a modern foreign language, whilst also promoting the importance of learning one.

Learning a different language has proven to promote a multitude of communication, memory and cognitive problem solving skills. Learning foreign languages improves lateral thinking, non-verbal intelligence and linguistic understanding in English. We want students to improve their self-confidence by practising speaking activities.

We deliver an engaging MFL curriculum, teaching the language skills, speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. We aim to build a sense of global citizenship and an appreciation for other countries, languages and cultures.

In the next five years students will learn the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively and to achieve a great grade in their GCSEs. 

Students will also study Spanish cultures and customs, as well as festivals, places and food, enabling them to compare each with the English equivalents. 


Key Stage 3

The students in Key Stage 3 will be able to describe and present themselves in detail.  They will discuss school, family and friends. They will also learn to talk about music, films and favourite series, healthy food, holidays, etc. By the end of Key Stage 3, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the programme of study. 


Year 7 Spanish

Topics Covered:


  • What is your name
  • What type of person are you
  • Do you have siblings/family members and numbers  
  • When is your birthday - months/days/higher numbers
  • What do you like doing - opinions and present tense
  • What sports you do and the weather


  • What you study using ar verbs in all subjects
  • Giving opinion about school subjects
  • Describing the school
  • Talking about activities at break using-er/ir verbs
  • How many people are in your family
  • Describing hair and eye colours using ser = to be; tener = to have


  • What is in your city (describe your city using "a, some or many"
  • What do you do in your city ( just "ir"/to go) in the cafeteria (learn how to order using the verb querer)
  • What are you going to do (near future)
  • Coco movie project


Year 8 Spanish

Topics Covered:


  • Talking about past holidays
  • What did you do on holiday
  • Describing the last day using sequence adverbs
  • How was it using verb ser in preterite
  • Talking about TV using comparative
  • What type of music I like - range of opinions


  • Saying what food you like using wider range of opinions
  • Describing meal times using negatives
  • Ordering a meal in a restaurant using polite pronouns usted/ustedes
  • Describing the family using possessive adjectives


  • Describing a holiday home - discovering more about the comparative
  • Asking for directions using the imperative
  • Summer camp


Year 9 Spanish

Topics Covered:


  • Things that I love (saying what you like/dislike)
  • My week (talking about your week using present tense)
  • Cinema (talking about films using present tense of verb -ir/to go)
  • A very special birthday (talking about birthday using near future)
  • A disaster hotel
  • In what would you like to work (saying what work you would like to do)
  • What is a typical day? Using present and preterite together


  • Healthy diet (talking about diet using negative)
  • Talking about lifestyle
  • Talking about your daily routine using reflexive verbs
  • Talking about childrens’ lives
  • Talk about your rights using "poder"


  • Meeting and greeting people
  • Talking about a treasure hunt (using superlative)
  • Buying souvenirs using tu or usted
  • My last day in Madrid (using three tenses)


Key Stage 4

Through studying a GCSE in a modern foreign language, students will develop their ability and ambition to communicate with native speakers in speech and writing. The study of a modern foreign language at GCSE will also broaden students’ horizons and encourage them to step beyond familiar cultural boundaries and develop new ways of seeing the world. 


Year 10  Spanish

Topics Covered:


  • Daily routine and meal times - reflexive verbs
  •  Talking about illnesses and injuries - asking for help in a pharmacy
  • Talking about typical foods - using quantities expressions
  • End of topic revision
  • Describing a special day - using reflexive verbs in preterite tense
  • Ordering in a restaurant. Using estar - to describe a temporary state. Adjectives in - ísimo/ísima


  • Talking about different jobs
  • Talking about how you earn money - working with homonyms
  • Describing the school using negatives and distinguishing between the present and the imperfect 
  • Talking about languages and travel; using lo + adjectives; using the 24 hour clock 
  • Applying for a summer job; writing a formal letter; revising the perfect tense


  • Discussing types of houses; talking about the environment
  • Talking about healthy eating/diet related health problems
  • Considering global issues - using the superlative
  • Talking about local actions to improve the area we live in using debería/deberíamos - one should/we should


Year 11  Spanish

Topics Covered:


  • Talking about local actions to improve the area we live in using debería/deberíamos - one should/ we should



  • Talking about international sporting events 

  • Revision - vocab and grammar rules for Module 1

  • GCSE Languages skills practices


  • GCSE Languages skills practices

spanish curriculum map final 2023 24 ks4.pdf


Useful Links


URL (link)

Seneca Learning




OAK Academy 





URL (link)

AQA GCSE Spanish 
