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'Geography prepares young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make sense of their world and to face the challenges that will shape our societies and environments at the local, national and global scales' Dr Rita Gardner, Director, RGS-IBG quoted in A Different View (GA, 2009).

Throughout the study of Geography at Colchester Academy we aim to:

  • Provide students with the means to think about the world in new ways
  • Provide students with the geographical knowledge they need to understand the contemporary challenges facing our planet and to live their lives as knowledgeable citizens
  • Provide students with the means and necessary knowledge to question information and argue their point of view
  • Expose students to geographical enquiry which will allow them to deepen their conceptual understanding through interpreting data and undertaking fieldwork.

Through our rich and varied curriculum at Key Stage 3 we hope that as many students as possible continue their study of Geography through into Key Stage 4. Students are given 1 to 2 hours Geography study per week at KS3 and 3 hours per week at KS4. Geography at KS3 is taught as enquiry topics, allowing students to study a breadth of geographical issues and practising geographical skills in preparation for KS4.  

At KS4 the students will study topics from both humans and physical Geography. The physical topics that students will study are The Challenge of Natural Hazards, UK Physical Landscapes and the Living World. The human topics that will be studied are The Challenge of Resource Management, Urban Issues and Challenges and The Changing Economic World. 

All of these studies are complimented with fieldwork which is an essential aspect of Geography. This ensures that young people are given the opportunity to consolidate and extend their achievement by relating learning to real experiences of the world


Key Stage 3

The Key Stage 3 Geography curriculum aims to inspire pupils' curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Pupils will be equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.


Year 7 Geography

Topics Covered:


  • What is Geography?
  • What map skills do I need as a Geographer?


  • What influences where we live?
  • Will Africa always be poor?


  • Why is Asia called the continent of contrast?
  • How does the weather affect us?


Year 8 Geography

Topics Covered:


  • What are the issues and challenges facing the global population?
  • Should we preserve Antarctica?


  • Why are some countries more developed than others?
  • Why are some hazards more deadly than others?


  • How powerful is Russia?
  • What are the threats to the world's ecosystems? 


Year 9 Geography

Topics Covered:


  • How is our climate changing?
  • The Almighty Dollar: Where does money go when it is spent?


  • Why are coastal landscapes different?
  • Can we continue to use resources at the same pace?


  • Why are the world's oceans under threat?
  • Why does conflict occur around the world?

geography curriculum map final 2023 24 ks3.pdf


Key Stage 4

Studying Geography at GCSE provides the opportunity for students to understand more about the world, the challenges it faces and their place within it. The GCSE course will deepen understanding of geographical processes, illuminate the impact of change and of complex people-environment interactions, highlight the dynamic links and interrelationships between places and environments at different scales, and develop students’ competence in using a wide range of geographical investigative skills and approaches. Geography enables young people to become globally and environmentally informed and thoughtful, enquiring citizens.


Year 10 Geography

Topics Covered:


  • The Challenge of Natural Hazards


  • The Living World


  • UK Physical Landscapes 


Year 11 Geography

Topics Covered:


  • Urban Issues and Challenges


  • The Challenge of Resource Management


  • The Changing Economic World

geography curriculum map final 2023 24 ks4.pdf


Useful Links


URL (link)

GCSE Bitesize


Internet Geography





URL (link)

AQA GCSE Geography
